Broxton-Mary Hayes Elementary School Events Calendar for Parents
See upcoming events on the school's Events Calendar for Parents on our school website below!
School Visitors
School visitors must present a valid, government issued picture ID upon arrival. This is required to sign your child out for any reason, to visit the school nurse, or for scheduled meetings with school staff.
Welcome Back!
Instruction begins at 7:30. Please make sure your Buc gets to school on time!
Broxton BUCS News
- 24-25 BMHE School Improvement Plan.pdf
- 24-25 BMHE School-Parent Compact - 3-5.pdf
- 24-25 BMHE School-Parent Compact - K-2.pdf
- Spanish-24-25 BMHE School-Parent Compact - K-2.pdf
- Spanish-24-25 BMHE School-Parent Compact - 3-5.pdf
- Spanish-24-25 BMHE School Parent and Family Engagement Policy.docx.pdf
- 24-25 BMHE School Parent and Family Engagement Policy.docx.pdf
- 2022 ESOL and Immigrant Family Literacy Program